Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

best friends

Best friends

but in an instant
lonely ... sadness disappear
when the arrival of friend
me and you
such as black and white
though united will never be united
although the difference is clearly visible
but we will be together
friend ....
a word represents the whole flavor
pal .....
our story as if there was no end
continuously remembered
continuously flowing
such as water continues to flow endlessly
getting further .....

past future

Vacation plans to Yogyakarta

I’m going to Yogyakarta for summer holiday this year.I will go with my best friends. I will spend my time  by enjoying everything that city provides,i’m going to shopping at Malioboro, there are a lot of traditional clothes like Batik and kebaya , and also souvenir shirts,key chains,accesories ,bags and so many more. I also going to the beach sunset. I also going to drag my friends to the historical place of Yogyakarta, Keraton Kesultanan Yogyakarta and I also  going to borobudur and prambanan temples,and I surely will take a lot of pictures with my bestfriends. I also going to buyYogyakarta tradisional food for my family at home,like bakpia yangko,and so many more.

Senin, 08 Juni 2015

Contoh Auxiliaries

·        Can digunakan untuk menyatakan ability (kemampuan)  
Contohnya : You can buy anything with your money but you can not buy        love.
·        Could digunakan untuk menyatakan ability (kemampuan) dimasa lalu (past).
Contohnya : You could run faster than me two years ago.
·        May untuk menyatakan possibility (kemungkinan) dimasa sekarang (present) dan masa depan (future).
Contohnya : He may work out and consume healthy food every day.
·        might, modal verb ini digunakan untuk menyatakan possibility (kemungkinan) dimasa sekarang (present) dan masa depan (future)
Contohnya : You might forget the embarassing accident tomorrow.
·        Will untuk menyatakan willingness (kemauan)
Contohnya : I will help you if you help yourself first.
·        Sama seperti will, modal verb ini dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan willingness (kemauan), namun lebih polite (sopan).
Contohnya : Would you like to see my craft?
·        Shall [British English] digunakan untuk menyatakan simple future seperti halnya will namun hanya digunakan pada first person (orang pertama) I dan we.
Contohnya : We shall overcome it someday.
·        Should untuk memberi suggestion (saran) atau advice (nasehat).
Contohnya : You should see the doctor.
·        Must dipadukan dengan not untuk menyatakan prohibition (larangan)
Contohnya : You mustn’t give up.
·        Ought to digunakan untuk menyatakan apa yang benar atau tepatOught to digunakan untuk menyatakan apa yang benar atau tepat
Contohnya : I ought to wear high quality running shoes.

Selasa, 26 Mei 2015


Hafiedz repaired the radio
The radio was repaired by hafiedz
Many people have visited that cemetery
That cemetery has been visited by many peoples
He had met them before I came
They had been met by him before I came
Natalia will finish all the homework tonight
Tonight,all  the homework will be finished by natalia
He will have met them before I get there tomorrow
They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow

Liana is going to make a dinner tonight
A dinner is going to be made by Liana tonight